How to Make the Most out of Your Dermatology Appointment

dermatology np elizabeth russeau with syringe

Derm appointments can go by quickly, and if you’re not prepared, you may leave feeling like you forgot something or feel like some of your concerns were not addressed. Here are some tips that I recommend to help you make the most out of your appointment.

  1. Know your medical history


    including medications, supplements, family history, previous prescriptions, previous biopsies/reports, etc. If you’re in for a skin consult, please know what skin care products you use and how you use them.

  2. Make a written list


    of the top 1-3 concerns you would like to prioritize. This ensures that the most important concerns are addressed, and we can address any additional issues at a follow-up. It is better to FULLY address 2-3 concerns than partially address all of your concerns in one visit. If you have additional concerns, we can absolutely address them at your follow-up.

  3. Take photos


    when your skin is flaring, whether it’s acne or a sporadic rash. It’s not uncommon for things to clear up just before your scheduled appointment – I hear it all the time, and since we’re only seeing you on one specific day, this helps us to better visualize the full picture of what you are dealing with.

  4. Speak up!


    If you are not understanding something during the visit, whether it be a diagnosis or treatment, please don’t be afraid to ask questions. I want my patients to understand and be on board with our plan, so if there are any concerns or questions, I want to hear them. Or if you want more time to think about things or prefer to discuss other options, I am totally open. I believe that the provider-patient relationship requires open communication to be successful, which translates to happy patients and better care.

  5. Come au natural.


    If you are in for a skin check, it’s best to come in with a clean face & no tan or nail polish. That being said, if you have something you are concerned about, it’s better not to wait, and we can work around those things – no problem at all!

  6. Be open-minded


    to recommendations and treatments, even if you’ve used some of them before. In dermatology, we’re dealing with a lot of chronic conditions, where patients may have tried various treatments before. When we’re meeting for the first time, I love to get a detailed history of what you’ve tried (what’s worked and what hasn’t). That being said, I may recommend using things in a different way, trying a different combination of products, or making some other changes in your routine. I always appreciate when patients stay open-minded about what I may recommend.

  7. Don’t apologize!


    Patients are always saying to me, “Sorry, I didn’t shave my legs” or “Sorry, I need a pedicure”. This is a no-judgment zone, so there is absolutely nothing to apologize for. Trust me, those are the last things I’m thinking about during your visit. ☺

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